
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Na, Na, Na, Na... Na, Na, Na, Na... Hey, Hey, Hey... GOODBYE!

Isn't this the best moment!  We have the music blasting in the background, the kids are on the bus waving while the buses are pulling out of the bus circle, the whole school stands outside waving good bye, and I will be singing in my head Na, Na, Na, Na... Na, Na, Na, Na... Hey, Hey, Hey, GOOD BYE! Tomorrow is my last day!  

This year has been a very difficult one. The Common Core "Curriculum" coupled with equally difficult students that were not prepared for this, has made me overly prepared for a summer break! I have worked extra hard this year and I know next year is not going to be easier with this curriculum. I have made a promise to myself to not work too much on school work.  I am doing some curriculum writing to integrate Social Studies into the curriculum on 3 scheduled days, I am going to try very hard to limit myself to those 3 days!  Congrats to all my hard working teachers out there!  Congrats to another year under our belts!  

Love Always,

Monday, June 10, 2013

Module 1 Unit 1 is D - O - N - E !

I'm so excited to have finished the PowerPoint Lessons for Module 1 Unit 1 for September / October... whenever we start the modules!  I feel so prepared for next year!  I'm really excited to see how the kids do with these interesting topics as well as the parent feedback.  Nasreen's Secret School will definitely be raising some eyebrows in homes across New York State!  I also noticed that there really weren't too many modifications in the Module 1 Unit 1, which is disappointing.  The modifications for ELL's during Peter Pan were extremely helpful.  Well, go over to my teacher store and buy ALL OF MODULE 1 UNIT 1 for $50 ... which is a steal.  You will be using these PowerPoint Lessons for at least 12 hours in your classroom, and saving yourself an equal amount of time in preparation!