I FINALLY FINISHED MODULE 1! Oh my god that was the longest topic ever and near impossible to teach with fidelity when you don't have the materials to support the lessons! Having to improvise on a daily basis was exhausting. I am so happy to be starting the unit on frogs. It's a relief because we have enough books for almost every student (maybe short 1 or 2 books per class). I also taught this unit last year and loved it. I have my notes from last year of what worked and what didn't. I am comfortable with this... I can do this! The kids loved this unit last year, and they looked forward to reading the books each day. If you haven't already seen the interactive notebook activities I've created, you definitely should check them out. Those boring, ugly worksheets that NYS has given us drain every ounce of interest and excitement out of the kids, so I highly recommend using the interactive notebook activities in place of the state has supplied us with (sub-par as usual). How is everyone else feeling about Module 2? Any good ideas of how to make it better? Last year we got tadpoles and fish tanks and watched them turn to frogs... this took MONTHS and the maintenance of cleaning the tanks
was too much. We opted against it this year.... too smelly, too dirty! I would love to hear any other ideas you have! Please share!

My school just adopted this ELA, so I havent used it yet. How does your class use the interactive notebook? Your powerpoints look great, I am use to using a mimio (like a smartboard). Do you use any centers or guieded reading with this curriculum?